A Chipped or Damaged Crown Needs Timely Care

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Dr. Bryan and Dr. Davis designed and installed your dental crown to effectively restore the presence and function of a severely compromised tooth. While it is made from very durable materials, it is possible for a blow to the face or other oral accident to chip, fracture or damage your crown. This is even more likely to happen if you play a contact sport without wearing a mouthguard or if you have a bad habit of nibbling on objects like pencils and pens.

If you have a crown that has suffered a chip or fracture, you should not delay in calling 541-779-3993 to have it assessed and treated at Northwest Dental Associates.

Should the damage be limited to the crown, our dentists might be able to start the process of fitting you for a new replacement crown. However, if a fracture has caused damage to the sensitive abutment that is anchoring the tooth, they might need to turn to more serious treatment options. This is even more likely to be the case if you’re experiencing heightened sensitivity in the area. This could include performing a root canal to replace any damaged structures and restore enough of a foundation to secure a new crown.

If you have a chipped or damaged dental crown in Medford, Oregon, you should not delay in calling 541-779-3993 to have it examined and treated at Northwest Dental Associates.