See Your Dentist Before Your Family Trip

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This is the season of celebration and a season of family. And it is the season for traveling to celebrate with family. While it may take a little bit more effort while you are on the road, you should not neglect your dental care on a family trip or just enjoying your vacation. Here are some things to think about when you are hitting the road.


Let your dentist know you will be traveling. Get a business card and keep it with your health insurance cards. If you have a problem, you can call your dentist for a phone consultation, and they will be able to refer you to a dentist in the area if you have an emergency.  Another good idea is to schedule your routine cleaning and exam before you leave. Not only will that be one less thing to think about during your vacation, but your dentist can spot and fix any problems before you leave. If you are driving, keep plenty of water on hand, and snacks like hard cheese, and crunchy fruits and vegetables. Not only are these things better for you than soft drinks and junk food, but they are also good for your teeth. When you stop for gas or a restroom break, that’s also a good time to brush your teeth. Make sure that you store your toothbrush and toothpaste properly when you travel. Make sure that you let your toothbrush air dry after each use, and that the cap on your toothpaste stays clean. It’s a good idea not to keep your toothbrush and toothpaste in the hotel bathroom. You should have a separate plastic bag for your toothbrush and toothpaste in your luggage, to prevent them from becoming contaminated. A travel toothbrush is a good idea, and you may want to consider buying disposable toothbrushes.


If you are getting ready for a trip, make the dentist a part of your pre-departure checklist! If you live in the Medford, Oregon, area and would like to schedule an appointment with our dentist, Bryan and Dr. Davis at Northwest Dental Associates, call 541-779-3993 today.